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Privacy notice – Financial Assessment Team

​Information about how and when the Financial Assessment Team processes personal information about you.​

What information we collect

When you request services from us, in order for us to deliver this service, we will ask you to provide some personal information such as: 

  • name

  • address

  • date of birth

  • income and capital/savings

  • national insurance number

  • contact details

  • nationality

  • relationships information

  • relevant case information

  • other agencies directly involved.

Agencies we might share the information with

Your information may be shared internally and for some services externally as part of carrying out our functions, to enable others to perform theirs and for the prevention of fraud.

External services we may share your information with include: 

  • The Court of Protection (COP)

  • Department for Work and Pension (DWP)

  • Office of Public Guardianship (OPG), solicitors

  • residential care home providers

  • banks

  • building societies

  • other financial institutes.

Why we process your information

We process your information for:

  • statutory calculation of a contribution towards payment for a care package

  • prevention and detection of fraud and criminal activity

  • managing individual finances and managing accounts

  • conducting customer satisfaction surveys

  • service delivery

  • service planning.

Customer feedback survey

Based on the circumstances of the enquiry, if an appointment or activity is raised which generates a confirmation email to a customer, there will be an invitation to complete a customer feedback survey.

The process is carried out internally using data capture software and this type of feedback allows us to enhance and develop services based on the general consensus. All customer feedback captured remains anonymous so no personal details are kept.

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