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Privacy notice – Green Scene – Allotments, Parks and Open Spaces

Information about how and when the Parks and Open Spaces (Allotments) Team processes personal information about you.​

What we do

The Lewisham Parks and Open Spaces department collate and processes all waiting list applications for allotment plots. There are 37 allotment sites in the borough, 27 of which are self-managed, 10 directly Lewisham managed.

What information we collect

The information we collect from you may include:

  • name
  • home/mobile number
  • email address
  • home address.

Agencies we might share the information with

  • Committee members of the Lewisham Self-Managed Allotments Association (LSMAA).

Why we process your information

We process your information for:

  • service delivery
  • prevention and detection of fraud
  • service development.
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