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Lewisham Life magazine

Lewisham Life is the local magazine for residents and businesses.

Lewisham Life summer 2024 cover


Lewisham Life is distributed to every home in the borough.

It's also available in local libraries, council buildings and other public places.

If you live in Lewisham but don't get Lewisham Life, please contact us.


Winter 2024

  • news submissions - Friday 11 October
  • ad bookings - Friday 1 November
  • distribution starts - Saturday 23 November

Submission guidelines

We cover:

  • positive stories about places in Lewisham and people who live here
  • things that people can do to make a difference in their area
  • advice and support for local people
  • upcoming events
  • competitions and special offers for local and national products, shows and services.

How to send us information

Send news submissions and feature proposals to us by email (details below).

Digital editions

You can download a PDF of our Lewisham Life magazine below. If you cannot access this we can send you a paper copy of the magazine. Please email to request a paper copy.



Lewisham Life

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