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CCTV cameras in the borough

​How we use closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in the borough and a list of their locations.

We operate CCTV cameras to improve safety and prevent crime. Our CCTV system includes both permanent and temporary cameras. We survey areas which have had high levels of crime and antisocial behaviour.

Typical uses of the cameras

These include:

  • gathering evidence for investigating offences
  • finding missing people
  • planning for emergencies
  • helping with the management of public housing.

Monitoring our cameras

We monitor cameras at our CCTV control room with with the Metropolitan Police 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our cameras are used by us and other enforcement teams and external enforcement agencies, including the police. We connect the control room with local businesses and security guards who help manage local crime.

The control room is operated in accordance with the law and security industry best practice.

We operate our CCTV systems in compliance with

  • data protection regulation
  • the Freedom of Information Act 2000
  • Protection of Freedoms Act 2012
  • the Information Commissioner’s Office CCTV Code of Practice
  • the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s Code of Practice
  • our own CCTV code of practice.

Requests for CCTV images

We keep CCTV images for up to 31 days. After this they are deleted. If the incident you wish to ask about happened more than 31 days ago we will not have the images. If you require CCTV footage, please email control.room@lewisham.gov.uk.

Subject access requests

Under the Data Protection Act 2018 you have the right to receive a copy of the information that we hold about you, which includes CCTV images.

To protect the privacy and safety of others, we may pixelate areas of the images so that other people and their vehicle number plates cannot be identified.

Road traffic and other incidents

If you have been involved in a road traffic incident or other civil matter then your insurance company or solicitor should apply for recorded images under the Data Protection Act.

If you have been involved in a criminal incident you should report it to the police and get a crime reference number. They will investigate the matter.

Third-party data requests

If you are a solicitor, insurer or other agent and are requesting recorded images on behalf of your client, you must:

  • send any request on your company’s headed paper
  • make sure your request confirms your client's details and sets out why you are asking for this information
  • present us with confirmation from your client that you are authorised to request this information.  
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