Feedback about planning
If you have any comments or suggestions that you think can help us to improve our service, then please send an email to
How to make a complaint
If you are not satisfied with the service that you have received from us you can a make a complaint.
There are several ways that you can make a complaint:
Write to us at: Planning, London Borough of Lewisham, Laurence House, Catford, SE6 4RU
Telephone: 0208 314 6078.
All complaints will be acknowledged within 2 working days and we will aim to respond fully to all written complaints within 10 working days.
When making your complaint, it is important that you provide as much information as possible, this is so that your complaint can be fully investigated.
It may also be useful to provide further information such as letters/emails to assist with the investigation of your complaint. Please also ensure that you provide your full contact details; name, address, email and telephone number.
Please note that we do not deal with complaints that relate to disagreement with a planning decision or the outcome of a planning enforcement case. If you are unhappy with the decision that has been made in respect of your planning application you will need to make an appeal.
Planning Department
The phone line is open 9am–5pm Monday–Friday, but payment system closes at 4pm