Project funding
Find out about our funding streams and get advice on how to get funding for your project or organisation.
Apply for funding to make the borough greener
If you are a volunteer, or part of a community group, working to make the borough greener you can apply for funding through the Mayor's Greening Fund.
Apply for funding to make your organisation more accessible to children with SEND
You can apply for up to £3,000 of short breaks funding to make your organisation more accessible for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Consultation on our Main Grants 2022–25 programme
Tell us your views on our proposed Main Grants 2022–25 programme
Funding for community projects (Small and Faith Fund)
If you run a community, voluntary, and faith organisation, we invite you to submit innovative, fresh ideas for one-off projects that will benefit local communities in the borough.
Funding for arts projects
Find out how to access the grant schemes and funding we provide, or get advice and information on non-council funding streams.
How to get funding for your project
A guide is for not-for-profit organisations, such as community clubs, faith groups and schools, that want to find and secure funding for activities and projects.