Submit or view a petition
Find out how to start a petition and what happens after you submit it, or see current petitions.
Who can start a petition
If you want to petition us, you need to live, work or study in the borough. You can sign or organise a petition at any age.
How to petition us
You can either:
Please note we do not accept hybrid petitions (that is petitions that include a mixture of hard copy and online signatures).
What you can petition us about
You can petition us about:
matters and services we are responsible for
matters and services other public bodies are responsible for, such as the NHS and Transport for London
What you can’t petition us about
We cannot respond to petitions that are:
about an individual's circumstances
about planning and licensing applications
defamatory or contain offensive language
What you need to include
Your petition must include the signature and address of every person signing it.
What happens after you submit your petition
- we will confirm we have received your petition
- if your petition is rejected, we'll tell you why
- if your petition's accepted, we'll tell you when you can expect a written response
- if your petition is signed by more then 1% of the population of the borough (assessed at 300,600 by the ONS at the 2021 census), it may be debated by the full council
Petitions Scheme
Pdf, 81.1KB
Governance Support
Civic Suite, Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
Published on: 12/02/2024