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Consultation on our Main Grants 2022–25 programme

Tell us your views on our proposed Main Grants 2022–25 programme

Our Main Grants programme funds voluntary and community organisations providing support to some of Lewisham’s most vulnerable residents. Support for voluntary and community sector groups remains a core priority for the Council. In partnership with the NHS, we will continue to invest over £2.3 million per annum through this programme.

However the Council is having to save £40m from its budget in the next three years, following the unprecedented costs of COVID-19 and historic reductions in the cash available from central government. This means the budget for the main grant to voluntary organisations will be reduced from 1 April 2022.

In order to best meet the needs of the borough, we propose to focus on supporting voluntary and community groups in developing stronger organisational infrastructure, better coordination with their partners and in effective fundraising, rather than trying to directly fund everything that is needed in the borough.

We are also proposing new priorities in line with the Council’s overall approach to recovery, following a thorough review of all available evidence on the impact of COVID-19, and the recovery needs of the Borough:

  • An economically sound future (specifically Advice Services and Enabling Digital Access for All)
  • A healthy and well future
  • A future we all have a part in.

Find out more and tell us your views

There are several ways to respond to this consultation. The deadline for submissions is 22 July.

Online portal

Find out more about our proposed Main Grants programme and tell us your views using the online portal.

By post

Send your views to: Community Development Team, 2nd Floor, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London SE6 4RU.

For a hard copy of the consultation, please email main.grants@lewisham.gov.uk or call 020 8314 7249.

Online consultation meeting

Voluntary and Community Sector organisations can join an online consultation meeting on Teams, held on:

  • Wednesday 9 June, 2–3:30pm
  • Thursday 17 June, 6–7.30pm

You must book a place at the consultation meetings in advance by emailing main.grants@lewisham.gov.uk.

If you need support to take part, please email us at main.grants@lewisham.gov.uk or call us on 020 8314 7249.

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