Problems paying your council tax
Tell us if you are struggling to pay, and find out how we recover council tax debt and how you can access support.
Haven't had your council tax bill?
If you've got a MyLewisham account and have registered to view your council tax account online, you won't get a paper copy of your annual bill – it'll be available to view online instead.
If you don't have MyLewisham account, you'll get a paper copy in the post as normal.
If you don't pay your council tax
Find out what happens if you don't pay your council tax, summons and liability.
How we recover council tax debt
If we cannot agree a payment plan and we have obtained a liability order we have more powers to recover the debt.
If you've received a council tax text reminder
The council tax team sends out a text reminder if your account falls into arrears or a payment is due.
What happens when we cannot recover your council tax charges
In cases where none of our standard options to recover the money are successful or practical, we may seek charging orders, bankruptcy or a committal.
Council tax support
You may be eligible for support to pay your council tax, or free advice on debt arrears.