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Open data and transparency

The money we spend is raised through local and national taxes and we spend it to benefit you and your community. In order to be open and transparent we publish information here so that you can see how that money is spent. ​

Published information

Council spending

  • What we pay our senior managers – see the annual salaries of our senior employees
  • Audit of accounts – each year our accounts are audited and anyone interested can inspect the accounts
  • Fraud data – we publish fraud data in the audit panel minutes
  • Funding – our guide to getting funding, and information about sources of funding
  • Spending over £250 – each month we publish a list of all payments we make to suppliers that total over £250

Trade union facility time data

London Borough of Lewisham

Employees in organisation

  • 1,501 to 5,000 employees

Trade union representatives and full-time equivalents

  • trade union representatives: 11
  • FTE trade union representatives: 10.6

Percentage of working hours spent on facility time

  • 0% of working hours: 0 representatives
  • 1 to 50% of working hours: 8 representatives
  • 51 to 99% of working hours: 1 representatives
  • 100% of working hours: 2 representatives

Total pay bill and facility time costs

  • total pay bill: £124,277,189.66
  • total cost of facility time: £169,690
  • percentage of pay spent on facility time: 0.14%

Paid trade union activities

  • hours spent on paid facility time: 4,777.48
  • hours spent on paid trade union activities: 978.5
  • percentage of total paid facility time hours spent on paid TU activities: 20.48%

London Borough of Lewisham (Education function employees)

Your organisation

  • 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023

Employees in your organisation

  • 5,001 to 9,999 employees

Trade union representatives and full-time equivalents

  • trade union representatives: 6
  • FTE trade union representatives: 5.6

Percentage of working hours spent on facility time

  • 0% of working hours: 0 representatives
  • 1 to 50% of working hours: 5 representatives
  • 51 to 99% of working hours: 1 representatives
  • 100% of working hours: 0 representatives

Total pay bill and facility time costs

  • total pay bill: £204,852,273
  • total cost of facility time: £88,072
  • percentage of pay spent on facility time: 0.04%

Paid trade union activities

  • hours spent on paid facility time: 2,682
  • hours spent on paid trade union activities: 473
  • percentage of total paid facility time hours spent on paid TU activities: 17.64%
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