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People, prosperity, place: our regeneration strategy

Read our regeneration strategy for the borough.

'People, prosperity, place' (also known as the Lewisham Regeneration Strategy) is a document that sets out our vision for the future of the borough from now until 2020, and the projects and plans which are underway to deliver that vision.

It focuses on the ways in which regeneration contributes to the Community Strategy priorities, particularly those around crime, health, education, enterprise and business growth and cultural vitality.

This strategy will be supported by three year implementation plans, structured around the people, prosperity and place themes and the key strategic objectives set out for each theme. They will include clear actions and targets with measurable outcomes to demonstrate the impact of our actions and progress towards achieving our objectives. The second implementation plan covering 2011-2014 is now in place.

Our aim in producing a regeneration strategy for Lewisham is to provide a clear document setting out the way in which the Council, with its private and public sector partners will work to transform the borough over the next decade and beyond through physical, social and economic regeneration.

The strategy was initially produced in 2007 in a draft form for consultation with local residents and other stakeholders. We wanted to find out:

  • Do local residents and other stakeholders in Lewisham share our vision?

  • What do you think about the three key themes set out in the draft strategy – people, prosperity and place – and the aims, objectives and issues identified for each theme?

Several hundred individuals and groups took the time to read the draft strategy and feed back their comments. A report summarising that feedback went to Mayor and Cabinet in December 2007. The finalised version of the strategy incorporates many of those stakeholder suggestions and comments.


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