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Contact the council tax service.
Haven't had your council tax bill?

If you've got a MyLewisham account and have registered to view your council tax account online, you won't get a paper copy of your annual bill – it'll be available to view online instead.

If you don't have MyLewisham account, you'll get a paper copy in the post as normal.

Our service standards

  • we aim to process changes to accounts within 10 working days of receiving all necessary information
  • we process applications for discounts and exemptions within 10 working days of receiving all necessary evidence
  • we respond to all enquiries within 10 working days
  • we provide a full response to complaints within 10 working days
  • we answer telephone calls within 15 seconds

Get in touch

Our phone lines are open on Monday to Friday from 9am-3pm. Please call us on 020 8690 9666. 

Give us feedback

You can give feedback online. If you register, you can keep track of the progress of your feedback. Alternatively, you can remain anonymous.

If you'd like to give us feedback in writing, please write to the following address: 

  • Your Feedback, Lewisham Council, Laurence House, Catford SE6 4RU.

This is a freepost address.

Provide evidence for your reduction or exemption

You can submit evidence, such as proof that you qualify for exemptions or discounts, or proof of payments using the online form below. You will need to have your council tax account number and PDF copies of your evidence ready.

Contact us

Council tax

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday, 9am–3pm

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