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Pest Control

Information about how and when the Pest Control Service team processes personal information about you.

What we do

The Lewisham Council Pest Control Team provides residential and commercial pest control treatments for Lewisham residents or businesses.

The information we collect from you may include:

  • your name
  • organisation name (if applicable)
  • home/mobile number
  • email address
  • home address
  • visit restrictions/instructions (information about access codes/private parking etc.)
  • your benefit status (if applicable)

If booking on behalf of a third party (for example a landlord booking for a tenant), you should have their permission to provide their details.

Agencies we might share the information with

If you live in a Council-owned property, we might share the information you’ve provided to other Lewisham Council internal teams.

We may share information with the property owner or managing agent of a rented property.

There may be times where we need to use external contractors. We will always contact you before sharing any information with them.

Why we process your information

We process your information in order to safely and efficiently deliver our pest control services.

We monitor pest levels across the borough and ensure that we can provide proactive block-level treatments if needed.

We process your personal information for:

  • service delivery
  • prevention and detection of fraud
  • service development
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