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Privacy notice – YOT Crime Reduction Youth Offending Services

Information about how and when the YOT Crime Reduction Youth Offending Services process personal information about you.​

What we do

Lewisham Youth Justice Service (YJS) works with the community and local agencies such as the police and schools, to help keep young people aged 10–17 out of trouble. The YOS supervises young people on court orders towards rehabilitation and ensures the requirements are enforced. To achieve these aims Lewisham YJS engages key stakeholders such as parents, victims, schools and community agencies.

What information we collect

The information we collect from you may include:

  • name
  • address
  • date of birth
  • ethnicity
  • NHS number
  • relationship information
  • health information

Agencies we might share the information with

  • Police
  • DWP
  • Courts
  • Young offender secure institutions
  • Health agencies
  • Education providers
  • Department for Education
  • Home office
  • GPs
  • NHS

Why we process your information

  • Service delivery
  • Service improvement
  • Prevention/detection of crime/fraud
  • Service planning
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