Privacy notice – Lewisham Services for Schools
Information about how and when Lewisham Services for Schools processes personal information about you.
What we do
Lewisham Services for Schools is the council's online information, communication and traded services portal for schools and other education and childcare settings and organisations. You can view further information on the service’s website.
What information we collect
The information we collect from you may include:
- name
- job role/category (eg. governor, teacher, business manager, head teacher, volunteer)
- school/organisation name
- school/organisation address
- date of birth (optional)
- email address
- telephone/mobile number (optional)
- postal address (if different from school/organisation address – governors only –optional)
- governor category (governors only)
- responsibilities (governors only)
- terms of office start and end date (governors only)
- ethnicity (optional)
- gender (governors only – optional)
- information on any disability for which you have special requirements or need adjustments to assist you (optional)
Agencies we might share the information with
- training providers
- service providers
Why we process your information
We process information to:
- set up a user account on Lewisham Services for Schools
- enable Lewisham Services for Schools administrators to issue targeted communications to users with active accounts
- enable users to book training courses
- enable users with assigned access rights to purchase traded support services
- provide a record of training and services purchased on Lewisham Services for Schools
Published on: 23/01/2025