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Lewisham 2030: Join the conversation!

Let’s chat Lewisham.

The Lewisham Strategic Partnership brings together organisations from across the borough, to identify ambitious actions that we can take collectively to improve the borough as a place to live, work, invest and visit.  

Together we are launching Lewisham 2030 which will set out our shared hopes and ambitions for the borough into the next decade.  

We want to hear from you! We have launched our largest engagement activity ever this summer to find out more about what residents think we could and should achieve for Lewisham. We want local people, community groups, businesses and public services to share their thoughts about what a good future in Lewisham might look like, what needs to change to get us there and the part that individuals can play in making this happen. 

This will form the Lewisham 2030 Community Action Plan, to launch in Spring 2024. The co-produced Community Action Plan will set out partners’ shared vision for Lewisham as a place and for the communities that live, work, study, and spend time here. It will sit alongside the main business plans or strategies of individual partner organisations, and be embedded in organisation-specific plans. 

So, join the conversation and tell us what you think! No idea is too big or too small, we want to hear them all! 

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