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Privacy notice – Referral and Assessment Team

​Information about how and when the Referral and Assessment Team processes information about you.

What we do

The Referral and Assessment Service complete statutory social work assessments of a child’s needs and circumstances. This can include:

  • children with complex additional unmet needs that require a statutory child in need assessment (Section 17 of the Children Act 1989)

  • children who are at risk of significant harm who require a child protection response or legal intervention (Section 47 of the Children Act 1989)

  • children who need to be accommodated by the local authority either on a voluntary basis or by way of a Court Order (Section 20 and Section 31 of the Children Act 1989).

What information we collect

We may collect:

  • name

  • date of birth

  • address

  • ethnicity

  • NHS number

  • relationships information

  • health information

  • financial information

  • contact details

  • referral/assessment information

  • relevant history and case information

  • other agencies involved.

Agencies we might share the information with

We may share your information with:

  • Children's Social Care departments (city/district/borough councils)

  • police

  • health agencies

  • education providers

  • Housing

  • probation/HMP services

  • Cafcass


  • domestic violence services

  • substance misuse services

  • voluntary organisations.

Why we process your information

When the Referral and Assessment Service receives a referral whereby a statutory assessment is required, social workers within the team will request parental consent to obtain information from other agencies and share information they have on the family with other agencies involved on a need to know basis. Consent to obtain and share information will always be sought in the first instance unless your child is at risk of harm or we must report a serious crime. Social workers will use this information to decide what help the child and family need and whether the child is suffering harm or is at risk of harm.

By obtaining and sharing information as soon as possible the team can get a better understanding of what difficulties the family may be facing. This way, we can make sure that children are safeguarded and that the child and family receives the right kind of help and support at the right time to improve outcomes for children whenever there are concerns for a child.

Other information that will be useful

The General Data Protection Regulation governs how the Referral and Assessment Service gathers information about children and families as part of its duty to support families and protect children. The team can:

  • only hold information that we need to help families

  • only use the information for that reason

  • make sure the information we hold is accurate

  • keep the information only for as long as it is needed

  • only share information with other agencies with your consent unless your child is at risk of harm or we must report a serious crime

  • keep the information secure at all times.

Any information shared is used to protect and promote the welfare of children and will not be used for any other purpose. Information held by the Referral and Assessment Service will be kept secure and will only be shared with agencies working with your family, such as social or health workers.

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