Privacy notice – Adoption
What we do
We make sure that each child has a permanency plan that provides stability and continuity of relationships. The Adoption Team is concerned with approving adopters to care for children when a decision has been made by the Adoption and Permanence Panel that adoption is in their best interest. The post-adoption team provides ongoing support for families where there is a child who has been placed under an adoption or special guardianship order. It also supports adopted adults in accessing their birth and adoption records.
What information we collect
We may collect:
name and contact details
social care ID
NHS number
family details
lifestyle and social circumstances
financial details
housing needs
case file information
personal appearance and behaviour.
What 'special types' of personal data we need from you
We may collect:
physical or mental health details
racial or ethnic origin
religious or other beliefs of a similar nature
social care support outcomes
criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences
offences (including alleged offences)
medical history.
Agencies we might share the information with
We may share the information with:
police, youth offending team and secure units
commissioned partners (voluntary and statutory)
health agencies
education providers
other local authorities including international social services
supported lodging carers
fostering agencies, residential homes and semi-independent accommodation providers
ministers of Parliament (via complaints).
Why we process the information
The main reasons for which we use personal data are:
safeguarding children and vulnerable adults
assessment and intervention to inform provision of services
administration of financial arrangements
service delivery and improvements
Ofsted inspection
prevention and detection of crime
planning to improve outcomes for children.
Withdrawing consent
Early help is a consent-based service, and we will only share information with your permission. If you get a targeted level of support from early help, we may share your information with relevant services to make sure your child and family get the appropriate level of support. You can withdraw consent at any point during intervention and speak with your lead professional or early help about how your information is used.