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Families First For Children Pathfinder

Information about how and when the Pathfinder processes personal information about you.

What we do

The Families First For Children Pathfinder (the Pathfinder) is a children’s social care reform programme which provides additional support to children and families whose needs cannot be met at the Family Information (universal) and Family Advice levels. The programme relies on information from a range of partners to better protect and promote the wellbeing and health of children and their families.

The Pathfinder includes a number of multi-agency teams made up of representatives from the following services that provide advice, support and protection as needed:

  • children’s social care
  • Lewisham police
  • health services 
  • Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS)
  • education providers
  • housing 
  • probation
  • substance misuse
  • victim support
  • substance misuse services
  • domestic violence services
  • voluntary organisations

The Pathfinder programme provides a secure environment for these services to share information and improve decision-making whenever support is needed by families.

What information we collect

  • name
  • date of birth
  • address
  • ethnicity
  • NHS number
  • relationships information
  • health information
  • financial information
  • contact details
  • referral, assessment and MASH information
  • relevant history and case information
  • pertinent information that may be available on social media
  • criminal records/police records
  • unique pupil number (child)
  • school information
  • additional needs and diagnoses (e.g. regarding mental health, special educational needs, communication and social needs, disabilities)
  • services working with the family (both now and historically to avoid duplicating support and repeating intervention).
  • ·other agencies involved

Agencies we might share the information with

  • children social care departments (city, district and borough councils)
  • police
  • health agencies
  • education providers
  • housing
  • probation, YOS and HMP services
  • Cafcass
  • Home Office
  • Ofsted
  • DBS
  • substance misuse services
  • domestic violence services
  • ·voluntary organisations
  • local authorities
  • MPs
  • advocate agencies
  • Independent visitors
  • mentors
  • guardians
  • legal
  • local authority designated officers (LADO)
  • family hubs
  • contact centres
  • placement providers
  • Fostering agencies
  • Ofsted
  • Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
  • Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA)
  • Registry office
  • Passport office
  • Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS)
  • private psychologists
  • private psychiatrists
  • independent social workers (ISWs)
  • ·other countries both within the EU and outside

Why we process your information

We use the information you provide to support your family and make sure that we meet our legal duties and responsibilities.

Your information helps us to:

  • provide you and your family with appropriate services
  • improve our services
  • support families
  • prevent harm to children
  • work with other agencies delivering services to families

We then use this data to:

  • measure if our services are improving children and families' lives
  • help us develop and improve our services
  • complete statistical returns to government departments

We may share data with third parties in order to:

  • comply with a legal obligation
  • detect crime
  • allow a partner organisation to act on behalf of the Council

How we use your data

Legally, we are obliged to:

  • ·only hold information that we need to help families
  • ·only use the information for that reason
  • make sure the information we hold is accurate
  • keep the information only for as long as it is needed
  • ·only share information with other agencies with your consent unless your child is at risk of harm or we must report a serious crime
  • keep the information secure at all times.

When we share information, this is to protect and promote the welfare of children and will not be used for any other purpose. We will keep your information secure and only share it with agencies working with your family as listed above.


Part of the Pathfinder reforms are delivered by the Family Help teams which offer a consent-based service to families. Family Help is made up of professionals from different agencies and disciplines who work as a single unit and share information, with your permission, so they can provide your family with the appropriate support.

You can withdraw consent at any point and discuss how your information is used with your Family Help Lead Practitioner (your main worker).

If there are any safeguarding concerns for a child, however, we will share information with the Child and Adolescent protection teams.

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