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Privacy notice – Fair Access

​Information about how and when the Fair Access Team processes personal information about you.​

What we do

Under the Admissions Code of Practice 2014, we are legally obliged to have a fair access protocol.

The protocol is needed to:

  • place children outside of the normal admissions rounds, especially the most vulnerable

  • make sure no school takes a disproportionate number of pupils who have been excluded or have challenging behaviour.

It is designed in partnership with schools, and most schools have to agree to it. All schools (including academies) must adhere to it.

The Council has developed locally-agreed fair access protocols for primary and secondary school pupils. The separate protocols were requested by Lewisham headteachers to reflect minor, age-related variations in pupil needs and are used by the primary and secondary fair access panels to make key decisions about vulnerable and challenging young people.

The panels consist of key council staff, senior school leaders and professionals from fields such as educational psychology, youth offending and looked-after children (CLA).

What data we collect

  • Name

  • Address

  • Date of birth

  • Ethnicity

  • NHS number

  • Relationship information

  • Health information

  • Department for Education

Agencies we might share the information with

  • Police

  • DWP

  • Health agencies

  • Education providers

  • Employers

  • Department for Education

Purpose for processing

  • Service delivery

  • Service improvement

  • Prevention and detection of crime and fraud

  • Service planning

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