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Controlled parking zones and operating times

Operating times for CPZs in Lewisham.

CPZs operate during the day on Monday to Friday/Saturday. At these times, many spaces are reserved for resident permit holders and visitor permit holders and a number of pay to park spaces are provided for visitors to the area, who do not have permits. The precise days and hours when CPZs operate are shown on signs at the entry point into a CPZ.

Operating time for CPZs in the borough 

Zone Operating days Operating times
BHA (Blackheath) Mon–Sat 9am–7pm
B (Lewisham /Central) Mon–Sat 9am–6.30pm
C (Hindsley Place) Mon–Sat 8am–6.30pm
D (Grove Park) Mon–Fri 9am–5.30pm
DP (Deptford)
DS (Deptford South) Mon–Fri 9am–5pm

E (Rushey Green West)

Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
F (Murillo Road) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
G (Elverson) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
H (Hither Green West) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
HO (Honor Oak) Mon–Fri
J (Canadian Avenue) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
K (Catford West) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
L (Rushey Green East) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
LG (Lee Green) Mon–Fri


LW (Ladywell West) Mon–Fri 10am–12noon
M (Barmeston Road) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
MH (Manor House) Mon–Fri 10am–12noon
MT/E (Milford Towers and Rushey Green West) Mon–Fri 9am – 7pm
N (Davids Road) Mon–Fri 9am–5pm
OB (Old Road/Bankwell) Mon-Sat 9am–7pm
P (Hither Green East) Mon–Fri 10am–12noon
R (Rushey Green South) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
RP (Ravensbourne Park) Mon–Fri 9am–5pm
S (Deptford Central) Mon–Fri
T (Ladywell) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm
V (Lee) Mon–Fri 10am–12noon
W (Mountsfield Park) Mon–Fri 9am–7pm

Outside these hours and on Christmas Day, Good Friday and all Bank Holidays, parking is uncontrolled except on double yellow lines.

View a map of the CPZs

Please click on Lewisham areas on top menu and tick the CPZ checkbox

View the CPZs now

CPZ and Estates Map

Pdf, 8.1MB



Planning and design of CPZs

Fourth Floor, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
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