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Motorcycle parking charges consultation

Why we are proposing to introduce motorcycle parking charges.
Parking system - intermittent issues

We're working hard to solve the current technical issues with booking visitor vouchers on our permit system, which mostly affects Lewisham staff at Laurence House. You can update your Visitor Vouchers on our e-Permits App.

If you are unable to book your visitor vouchers, call our Permit Team on 020 8787 5397, option 3, Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.

The rest of the permit system is working as normal for renewing permits, if you have any issues contact our team via email lewishamparkingpermits@nslservices.co.uk.

Find out where you can park a motorcycle, charge changes and how to apply for permits.

On 30 May 2022, motorcycle parking charges were implemented across the borough, based on how environmentally-friendly vehicles are. The charges are part of a series of measures to help reduce carbon emissions in the borough and to create a greener and cleaner Lewisham. On 1 April 2024, motorcycle parking charges increased by 7.7%, in line with inflation.

The euro 6 non-compliant surcharge has also increased from £70 to 75.

If you own a motorcycle, you now need a permit to park it in the borough. You can find out how to apply for long-term or short-term permits on this webpage.
Motorcycles are still required to park perpendicular to the kerb.

Motorcycle parking charge changes

 Motorcycle parking was reviewed in line with the Council’s Climate Change Emergency Plan.

A report on proposed changes to motorcycle parking charges was reviewed by the Council’s Sustainable Development Select Committee and approved by Mayor and Cabinet in summer 2021. We ran a public consultation from 9 August until 1 November 2021, which provided residents, businesses and partners with the opportunity to have their say on these proposals.

Once the consultation results had been received and considered, changes were made to the initial proposals and a new report was approved by Mayor and Cabinet on 12 January 2022.

• read the report that was presented to the Sustainable Development Select Committee on 30 June 2021, and  approved by Mayor and Cabinet on 14 July 2021
read the response that was approved by Mayor and Cabinet on 12 January 2022

A Notice of Proposal of the changes was published on 25 Feb 2022. A statutory public consultation was held for three weeks, during which time any objections to the proposals were received and considered. Any objections to the scheme were passed to the Executive Director of Housing, Regeneration and the Public Realm, who decided whether or not to implement the scheme.

Objections were reviewed and we made the decision to implement the scheme based on the Council’s commitments to protect the health of local residents, tackle climate change and improve air quality. Read the report that was approved by Housing, Regeneration and Public Realm on 16 May 2022. Motorcycles are known to emit harmful air pollutants including carbon emissions, nitrogen oxide, and particulate matter (PM2.5). Particulate matter is especially dangerous, as it can enter the lungs and cause cardiovascular disease. The introduction of emissions-based parking charges for motorcycles would bring our parking policy in line for all vehicles across the borough.

A Traffic Management Order (TMO) was made and came into force 30 May 2022.

How to apply for a motorcycle permit

Resident motorcycle permit

If you already have a permit, you can login to your account and add on your motorcycle. You will need to upload your vehicle documents. If you need to purchase a new permit, you can do this on our website. You will need to create an account and provide proof of address and upload your vehicle documents.

Resident visitor vouchers

Once you have a resident parking permit, you can use your account to purchase vouchers for visitors with motorcycles.  If you have a motorcycle resident permit, you can also purchase visitor vouchers for cars.

Motorists with electric motorcycles are not required to obtain a resident visitor voucher in order to park in permit holder bays, as parking for these vehicles is free of charge.

Blue badge holders

In line with Lewisham’s borough-wide policy, Blue Badge holding residents can apply for a free motorcycle permit.

Business motorcycle permits

These are available for all zones for three, six or 12-month durations. You will need a copy of your business letterhead.

There is an option for weekly or daily passes for those that only work on an ad hoc basis. These permit types do not require business evidence.

Exemption permits

These are free for:

Short stay parking

This is for those visiting the borough. Find details on how to pay.

Motorists with electric motorcycles are not required to pay for short stay parking in order to park in permit holder or Pay By Phone bays, as parking for these vehicles is free of charge.

As of 18th March 2024, motorcycles will need to pay for parking in our on-street parking bays and off-street car parks using Pay By Phone. Information on how to pay for parking can be found on the following webpage Ways to pay for parking.

To park in our on-street parking bays using PayByPhone, please use the code 807000. This code is the same across all of our on-street parking bays.

To park in our off-street car parks using PayByPhone, please use the code 809598. This code is the same across all of our off-street car parks.

Residents with more than one vehicle

You can put up to two vehicles on your permit.

Only one vehicle will be covered by the parking permit at any one time and this must be activated via your online permit account. Failure to do so may result in your vehicle receiving a penalty charge notice (PCN). Find out more about what to do if you have two vehicles.

You can also purchase permits by calling 020 8787 5397, emailing lewishamparkingpermits@nslservices.co.uk or writing to us at the following address:

Motorcycle Parking Permits

NSL Services Ltd.

Eros House 1a Brownhill Road

Catford London


Contact us

If you have any further questions about motorcycle parking, please contact the Lewisham Parking Permits team on 0208 787 5397 and select option 3.

Our opening hours are Monday to Friday, 9am–5pm.

Published on: 27/06/2023

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