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Ownership and management of Blackheath

Find out about the ownership and management of Blackheath.


The part of Blackheath south of the A2 is owned by the Lord of the Manor of Lewisham.

The part north of the A2 is owned by the Crown as part of the Royal Manor of East Greenwich.

Since 1871 it has been held in trust for public benefit through the Blackheath Supplement to the Metropolitan Commons Act of 1866.


The following bodies:

  • Blackheath Society

  • The Greenwich Society

  • The Westcombe Society

  • representatives of Lewisham and Greenwich councils

make up the Blackheath Joint Working Party.

They advise and act in relation to the management and maintenance of the heath. Decisions have to balance the needs of nature conservation, sports and recreation.

There is free public access at all times.


Glendale Grounds Management

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