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Park opening hours

Find out opening and closing times for parks in Lewisham.   
January 8am-4.30pm
February 8am-5.30pm
March 8am-6.30pm/8pm (subject to BST)
April 8am-8pm
May 8am-9pm
June 8am-9pm
July 8am-9pm
August 8am-8.30pm
September 8am-8pm
October 8am-7pm/5pm (subject to GMT)
November 8am-4.30pm
December 8am-4pm

Christmas and events 

Note the following information around Christmas and for special events:

  • Parks will not be locked on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.

  • When events are held in a park, the closing time may be later than advertised.  


Glendale Grounds Management

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