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Young advisers

Find out about the work of Lewisham's young advisers.

The young advisers are a bit like a cabinet. But their meetings are more informal and always open to new members and visitors.

Who are the young advisers?

Young advisers come from young people’s involvement initiatives such as:

  • youth and community projects

  • specialist groups

  • neighbourhood forums

  • volunteering initiatives

  • school or college councils

Many of the young advisers stood as candidates for Young Mayor. Although not successful, they continued their involvement by becoming young advisers.

What do young advisers do?

The Young Mayor and young advisers:

  • look at key decision-making reports

  • engage with service managers, policy-makers and elected members to hear and comment on plans and strategies for the delivery of services

  • are involved in determining council grant allocation to youth service initiatives.

Can I get involved with the work of the young advisers?

Yes. If you're interested in politics or getting involved in the community you can come to the young advisers’ meetings.

Meetings happen every Monday from 5–7pm at the Civic Suite, Catford.


Young Mayor of Lewisham

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