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Young people – staying safe

We asked young people in the borough what their tips were for other young people on how to stay safe at school, at home, online or on the streets.

Support our campaign to end youth violence

You can support our campaign to end youth violence – Stop The Violence Now – by saying what you will do to make Lewisham safer for young people.


What you share, text or upload on social networks or on the internet can affect your future, your family or your relationships – or someone else’s – for a very long time.


Being in a good relationship is one where you are valued and are not afraid, not told what to do and not hit or harmed in any way.


A bully is someone who makes you feel scared or unsafe, or gets you to do things you don't want to do. 

Knife crime

Each year more young people in London are stabbed – and many lose their lives – due to knife crime.


There can be a lot of pressure to experiment with alcohol or to take drugs when you’re young. Find out how to get help if you are using substances.
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