Baseline drop-in service
Baseline provides support and advice for young people aged 16–18 (up to 25 years old for those with additional needs) not in employment, education or training (NEET).
If you live in the borough of Lewisham, are aged 16–18 (or 16–25 years old and have additional needs) and are not in education, employment or training, Baseline can help you with:
- getting into further education, training and employment
- learning and volunteering opportunities
- your CV and job applications
- free condoms and sanitary products
We also work in partnership with organisations supporting young people.
Learn about your options
14-19-year-olds have a choice of learning routes, all of which lead to valuable qualifications and can progress to further study.
Baseline drop-in service
Opening hours:
We are open Monday to Friday 10am-5pm
at Unit 19, Lewisham Shopping Centre, SE13 7HB
You can also contact us on:
07824 694 786 Monday to Wednesday 10am-4pm
07880 439 879 or 07824 801 542 Thursday and Friday 10am-4pm
Published on: 01/04/2023