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Privacy notice - Elected members

Information about how and when the elected members processes personal information about you.​

Who we are

Lewisham Council’s elected councillors, who are their own Data Controllers, may use your personal data to help you with ward-related matters you refer to them.

Why we process your data

The Council’s elected Councillors can process your personal data under the Local Government Act 1972 and the Localism Act 2011, and under the Data Protection Act 2018 Schedule 1, Part 2, 18-19 (Elected Representatives responding to requests and Disclosure to Elected Representatives).

Councillors may process your data for the following purposes:

  • To allow them to answer your enquiries.
  • Where you have agreed, for the purpose of resolving issues that you have asked them to look into on your behalf.

Who we share your data with

The Council’s elected Councillors may sometimes share your data with the following organisations:

  • Other public authorities and public partnerships (e.g. councils, schools, NHS providers, Police, government departments

How we keep your data secure in other countries

The Council’s elected Councillors do not transfer your data to third parties in other countries.

How long we keep your data for

The Council’s elected Councillors can keep your data up to 7 years after your issue has been resolved, or until they cease to be a Councillor, if this is a shorter period of time.

Your rights

You have the following rights:

  • To ask for a copy of the data that Councillors hold on you
  • To ask them to delete data on you that is no longer needed
  • To ask them to correct data about you that is wrong
  • To ask them to stop processing your data temporarily if you think it is wrong until they work out what is correct
  • To ask them to let you take a copy of your data in a portable format to another organisation

You can put in a request for any of these here CorporateComplaints@lewisham.gov.uk or alternatively write to Corporate Complaints, Casework and Information Governance Team, 1st Floor Town Hall Chambers, Rushey Green, SE6 4RU

If you only gave your councillor your data with consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time. Please just get in touch with Corporate and complaints Team on if you wish to change this.

Profiling and automated decisions

The Council’s elected councillors do not currently undertake any profiling activities or take automated decisions about you.

How can I contact somebody about my privacy?

You may contact the Lewisham Council by letter, email, telephone or in person using the details below. Please note that we will ask for identification should you choose to exercise any of the above rights in relation to personal data we hold.

Who can I contact if I am unhappy about the way my data has been processed

You can contact the Council’s Data Protection Officer

Stephen Williams



How to make a complaint

You can complain to the Council in relation to elected councillors 020 83148090. If you are not happy with our response, you can request a review, and if, after that, you are still unsatisfied, you can then take the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office.

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