Moving from children’s social care to adult social care
We support young people’s transition into adulthood and provide appropriate adult care services, as a result of the adult Care Act assessment of need. Where relevant this could include consideration of the special educational needs education, health and care plan and/or a children’s services assessment and community support plan.
Sometimes we will point you to other support services in Lewisham that can help young people become adults.
Some young people coming through transition support into adult services will be pointed out to the Adults With Learning Disabilities Service, a group of social workers and support planners who specialise in working with people with learning disabilities.
Wellbeing self-assessment
Do the wellbeing self-assessment to find out more about services in Lewisham that might help you with your day-to-day challenges.
Help with everyday activities around the home and in the community
Contact the Learning Disability Community Health Team.
Mental health issues
Contact the Lewisham Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Service.