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End-of-life care

At the end of people’s lives, it is important that patients and their families receive the care and support they need to make this difficult time as manageable as possible.
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We aim to treat people with dignity and respect and, where possible, in their preferred place of care, and to ensure they receive high standards of care at the end of their life.

For more information on end-of-life care, visit the NHS website.

Who is it for?

End-of-life care (also known as palliative care, EOLC or specialist palliative care) is for anyone with an advanced progressive illness, for example people living with cancer or cardiovascular disease, neurological conditions and many more.

This care includes the management of pain and other symptoms at the end of life, as well as psychological, social and spiritual support to help achieve the best quality end-of-life care for patients and their families.

What kind of support is available?

Support offered includes: 

  • management of pain or symptoms

  • help to adjust to living with a palliative illness

  • information to help make decisions about care and treatment

  • advice on benefits and where to get financial assistance

  • help dealing with spiritual questions.

Who provides the care depends upon the support required. It can be provided by a variety of different professionals including GPs, nurses, support workers, social workers and therapists.

How much does it cost?

In the last few days of life, care may be provided by the NHS and the Council. Following an assessment by a healthcare professional, your costs may be met in full by the NHS.

How to get end-of-life care

The main provider of end-of-life care in Lewisham is:

St Christopher’s Hospice

St Christopher’s is the community specialist palliative care provider for all residents in the Borough of Lewisham or who have a Lewisham GP.

Lawrie Park Road Sydenham SE26 6DZ

020 8768 4500



Give us feedback

We are always interested to hear from our service users and their carers and loved ones about their experiences with end-of-life care in Lewisham. If you would like to tell your story, please contact us at endoflife@lewisham.gov.uk.

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