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How to enrol on adult education courses

After you have chosen what course you want to do, you need to enrol.

To make sure you get a place on your course, you should enrol before it starts. But you can enrol on a course up to three weeks after the start date if spaces are available.

Enrol online or by phone

  • You can enrol online for most courses by visiting the course page and clicking the ‘enrol now’ button.

  • You can enrol by phone on 020 8314 6959, Monday to Friday, 10am–3pm. Monday to Thursday from 4-7:30pm and Saturday morning from 9am-12:45pm on 020 8314 6282 for enrolments and enquires during term time only.

  • We can only accept debit or credit card payments.

  • If you need to book a pre-course assessment or have a query, please call 020 8314 3300, Monday-Friday 10am-4pm.

If this is your first enrolment with us you may need to provide proof of identity. We accept a photo of one of the following:

  • passport

  • driving licence

  • national ID card

  • birth or adoption certificate

  • National Insurance card

  • credit or debit card

  • recent utility bills or bank statements

  • freedom pass.

If you are applying for concessionary fees, you need to provide photo evidence showing that you are eligible.

How to enrol if you get reduced fees

If you are eligible for reduced fees:

  • You can enrol online, but you have to pay the full cost of the course and claim a partial refund by submitting photographic evidence of entitlement.

Send your evidence to adultlearning@lewisham.gov.uk. Please include the word evidence in the subject line.

Pre-course assessments


Adult Learning Lewisham (ALL)

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