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Adult careers information advice and guidance service

Free, impartial and confidential information, advice and guidance, to help you take your next steps towards employment or a new career.
Adult education enrolment dates

Enrolment for 2024/25 summer term courses will open on Monday 24 February from 10am. Find out how to enrol.

How we can help

  • We’ll work with you on a one to one basis to create a personalised action plan so you can achieve your dream career.
  • Using our strong local networks we will be able to provide you with the help and support you need so you can focus on your learning and career goals.

You may be entitled to a reduced fee or free courses if you are on a low income or means tested benefits.

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment by calling 020 8314 9196, or by emailing your contact details and a brief description of your query to: adultlearningiag@lewisham.gov.uk and our careers, information and advice officer will make contact with you.

If you are already a learner you can book an appointment via the link on the front page of Moodle, our Virtual Learning Environment: https://all.lewisham.gov.uk/

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