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Business rates discounts for new London Living Wage employers

Find out how much discount London Living Wage employers are entitled to.

We are offering a one-off business rate discount of up to £6,000 to businesses that become accredited London Living Wage employers in 202324.

How much discount am I entitled to?

The discount you can get will depend on:

  • what type of organisation you are and

  • the number of employees you have.

The maximum is £6,000.

Type of organisation Number of employees
0–10 11–50 51–250 251–500 500+
Private sector £300 £600 £1,200 £2,400 £6,000
Public sector and charities £300 £600 £1,200 £2,400 £2,400

Claiming the discount

To get the discount, your Lewisham-based business must become accredited with the Living Wage Foundation between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024.

There is a small fee for this – see the table below.

The discount offered is a one-off and cannot be back-dated. It will be on a first-come-first-served basis until our overall contribution equals £66,000. 

Cost of accreditation to the Living Wage Foundation

Type of organisation Number of employees
0–10 11–50 51–250 251–500 500+
Private sector £60 £120 £240 £480 £1,200
Public sector and charities £60 £120 £240 £480 £480


Business rates

London Borough of Lewisham, Business Rates, PO Box 58993, London, SE6 9GZ.
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