Adults safeguarding week 2022
The aim of Adult Safeguarding Week is to start vital conversations and share best practice, so we can all be better together.
Each day is focused on a different safeguarding theme:
- Monday – Exploitation and County Lines
- Tuesday – Self-neglect
- Wednesday – Creating Safer Organisational Cultures
- Thursday – Elder Abuse
- Friday – Domestic Abuse in Tech-Society
- Saturday & Sunday – Safeguarding in Everyday Life
How can you report a safeguarding concern?
If you suspect that you or an adult you care about may be at risk of abuse or neglect call Lewisham Adult Gateway on 020 8314 7777 alternatively if you have concerns about the immediate safety of an adult at risk then please contact the Police on 999. There are a number of ways you can contact Gateway:
The Gateway can be contacted Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Tel: 020 8314 7777 (select option 1)
Fax: 020 8314 3014
You can also follow THE LSAB on Twitter @lewisham_sab
Other support services if you are a friend, carer or family member who has concerns.
What happens in Lewisham?
In Lewisham we have the Adults Safeguarding Board (LSAB) who are there to help and safeguard adults with care and support needs by:
- Assuring itself that local safeguarding arrangements are in place as defined by the Care Act 2014 and statutory guidance;
- Assuring itself that safeguarding practice is person-centred and outcome-focused;
- Working collaboratively to prevent abuse and neglect where possible;
- Ensuring agencies and individuals give timely and proportionate responses when abuse or neglect have occurred; and
- Assuring itself that safeguarding practice is continuously improving and enhancing the quality of life of adults in its area.
Training happening this week
Thursday 24 November 2022: 10am – 12.30pm
Lewisham: Training for Adult Safeguarding Leads or Managers
Thursday 24 November 2022: 10am - 11.30am
London Wide: Learning from SARs: Autism, Suicide and Safeguarding
Thursday 24 November 2022: 1pm - 2pm
London Wide: Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS)
Friday 25 November 2022: 10am - 12 noon
London Wide: Self-Neglect: Applying S42 & Risk Assessment
Friday 25 November 2022 PM: 1pm - 2pm
London Wide: Experts by Experience
Online Adult Safeguarding Foundation Level Training Sessions
The aim of these online sessions is to provide an introduction to adult safeguarding by outlining the legal framework, definitions and principles that are used, and by explaining the content of the Lewisham Adult Safeguarding Pathway which includes key local and national resources.
This is for new staff or volunteers, or for those needing a refresher on this subject. The training is led by Martin Crow, LSAB Business Manager.
All of our online training is held on the Microsoft Teams platform.
Wednesday 14 December 2022 12.45pm to 4.15pm Book Here
Tuesday 31 January 2023 12.45pm to 4.15pm Book Here
Tuesday 7 March 2023 12.45pm to 4.15pm Book Here