Hatcham conservation area
Designated in 1990, the area is made up of commercial buildings on New Cross Road with terrace housing behind.
Its name possibly derives from Anglo Saxon meaning ‘a clearing in the woods’ and the name was also used at an eighteenth century manor house called Hatcham Park.
From 1614, the land was owned by the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers and when the manor house was demolished in the 1840s, the Haberdashers allowed terraces to be built to strict specifications.
Buildings on New Cross Road are larger, many being houses with shops built later in their front gardens. Distinctive late-Victorian buildings can be seen at the junction with Queen’s Road by the roundabout displaying an Egyptian-style vent pipe.
Article 4 direction
We have made an Article 4 direction to encourage the retention of high quality architectural features and ensure that changes are undertaken sympathetically.
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