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Resident Review Panel

We value your experience as a resident, and we’re always looking for people who want to help shape and influence the future of our services.

We value your experience as a resident, and we’re always looking for people who want to help shape and influence the future of our services.

Joining our Resident Scrutiny Panel will enable you to work alongside other residents as a team. You will provide us with an independent view of our performance and offer feedback on how we can improve our services for our residents.

This is a great opportunity for you to enhance both your personal and professional skills, gain valuable experience to support your career development and make a difference in leading the way in how we provide housing services.

What does the role involve?

Our Resident Scrutiny Panel members help keep Lewisham Council Housing Services focused on delivering excellent services by providing an independent view of our processes and performance, highlighting what works well and needs improvement. As part of the role, you will make evidence-based recommendations for service improvements to senior leaders, help identify ways to ensure we achieve the best possible value for money and shape and influence the delivery of our services to increase satisfaction amongst our residents.

Residents put forward the areas to be scrutinised, and the panel decides them.

We want to hear your ideas on how we can enhance our online services or support our communities.

Time and commitment

We appreciate your lives are busy. You can dedicate any amount of time you’re able to.

What skills do you need?

No previous experience is required, but we want enthusiastic individuals who can effectively express their views and constructively challenge, understand, and analyse information. You will also need to work effectively independently and as part of a team.

What support or training will be available?

You will receive support from our Community Relations Team and an independent Mentor, as well as ongoing training to help you achieve your potential. You also have the option to gain an accredited qualification delivered by tenant engagement experts at the Tenant Participation Advisory Service (TPAS).


In addition to influencing and shaping services and gaining in-depth insight into our work, there are several significant benefits to being part of the Resident Scrutiny Panel. From gaining an accredited qualification to learning new skills and boosting your CV, being a committee member can help enhance your personal and professional development.

The role is voluntary, and members receive no payment. However, we will cover reasonable expenses, such as the cost of transport to and from meetings or childminding and other support costs.

Are you eligible?

We welcome applications from all Lewisham Council tenants and leaseholders.

If you are enthusiastic and want to collaborate with us in driving forward continuous improvements to our housing services, contact us.

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