Crofton Park and Honor Oak Park Air Quality Management Area
Section 83(1) of the Environment Act 1995 states that a local authority must designate Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) for areas where air quality objectives are unlikely to be met.
Having designated an AQMA, the local authority is required to prepare a Local Air Quality Action Plan which sets out how it will pursue the achievement of air quality standards and objectives in the AQMA.
Although the Council has a duty to declare the AQMA, it can use its discretion when setting the boundary. DEFRA recommend that local authorities consult the local community and other interested parties, and take into account their views when determining the final boundary. Ultimately the AQMA is an air quality action-planning tool, not a boundary that represents the extent of poor air quality.
Extending the boundary of the AQMA beyond the area where objectives are unlikely to be met, can give wider benefits and avoid the displacing the problems.
The consultation process – Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) options
Air Quality Officers from the Council’s Environmental Protection Team Services developed three options for the AQMA boundary. All options include those areas subject to exceedances of the Air Quality Objectives.
The three options were:
- AQMA Option 1 (Central Government Standard Area Only)
- AQMA Option 2 (Central Government Standard Area + 25 Metres)
- AQMA Option 3 (Whole Area North Of A205 Road)
Residents and interested parties views were consulted via the following methods:
- questionnaires (made available at Crofton Park Library)
- the Council’s electronic consultation portal
- targeted emails and letters to organisations and individuals in the local area.
Consultation results
The results (available in the documents below) show overwhelming support for Option 3 which was favoured by approximately 70% of all respondents. Some respondents selecting Options 1 & 2 had voiced concerns about resources potentially being spread too thinly should wider areas be selected.
In practice, it is likely that actions will focus primarily on those areas where exceedances are occurring.
The wider area designation can mean that policies are applied over this wider area which can help prevent shifting traffic problems on to the surrounding residential streets.
Next steps
Officers from the Environmental Protection Agency presented a draft order to Mayor & Cabinet on 10 April 2013 which was approved.
Excel, 87.8KB
Excel, 36.5KB