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Single person discount review

We are carrying out a review of all households that are in receipt of a single-person discount on their council tax bill.
Haven't had your council tax bill?

If you've got a MyLewisham account and have registered to view your council tax account online, you won't get a paper copy of your annual bill – it'll be available to view online instead.

If you don't have MyLewisham account, you'll get a paper copy in the post as normal.

The review is being managed by Civica on behalf of the council.

Our aim is to provide residents with the best possible service during the review by offering clear instructions for completing the forms that should be returned. However, sometimes, circumstances may not be so easy to explain. To help in these situations, we have included below, the most frequently asked questions that can arise throughout the period of the review.

Why have I been sent this letter?

Each year we receive lots of applications for single-person discount, we have a duty to ensure where a discount is awarded there is a genuine entitlement to that discount. We are verifying that you are still entitled to the discount.

How do I complete the form?

Please fill out and return the form using the envelope provided.

If you are the only adult over 18 occupying your property, simply tick the relevant box, sign and date the form at the bottom and return to the address at the bottom of the letter.

If there is more than one adult living at the property, please provide their name, date of birth, the date on which they moved in and their previous address. If you think they should be disregarded for council tax purposes, for example if they are a full-time student, they have recently left school or they are an apprentice you should include them on the form and tell us why.

Please include details of their date of birth, the name of the school, college, or University they attend and if their term time address is away from home, their address whilst they are studying.

Evidence may be required such as a bank statement to show that you are getting child benefit for the person over 18.

What happens if I don't complete and return the form?

We will assume that your circumstances have changed, and you are no longer entitled to the discount. Your single person discount will be removed, and a revised bill will be sent to you.

Return address PO Box 2049, Pershore, WR10 9EZ.

What should I do if someone is using my address for correspondence only?

Please provide their name and the address where they actually live so that it can be verified. You can supply more information if you think it relevant to assist your claim.

I have already informed the council of a change in circumstances. Do I need to complete and return the form?

Yes, please include all the details of your current situation.

Who are Civica?

Civica provides services in revenues and benefits processing work for many local authorities throughout the country. Civica has a dedicated and specialist team if experienced council tax officers to carry out discount reviews. The law allows for the contracting out of council tax functions.

The information you provide will be electronically scanned on to your council tax account.

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