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Single person discount

If only one adult lives at the property you may be entitled to a 25% discount.
Haven't had your council tax bill?

If you've got a MyLewisham account and have registered to view your council tax account online, you won't get a paper copy of your annual bill – it'll be available to view online instead.

If you don't have MyLewisham account, you'll get a paper copy in the post as normal.

Who's eligible?

Council tax bills are based on two or more adults living in a property as their main home. If only one person over 18 lives in the property, we may be able to reduce your council tax by 25%.

You can only claim a single person discount for your main home. You can't claim it for a second home.

If someone who normally lives with you is away from home, for example working away or on holiday, and only coming back occasionally, your property still counts as their main home. You won’t be eligible for a single person discount in these circumstances.

In certain circumstance, we might choose not to count someone as living at a property. They're known as 'disregarded'. If we've disregarded everyone else at your property, and you're the only person left, you might be entitled to a 25% discount.

People who might not count towards paying council tax are:

  • full time students
  • student nurses
  • apprentices
  • anyone who is 18 or 19 and still at school or is in full time further education
  • anyone with a severe mental impairment
  • carers
  • anyone who is in a residential care home or nursing home
  • members of religious communities
  • members of visiting forces
  • anyone who is in a hostel or shelter
  • anyone in detention
  • diplomats and members of international headquarters
  • foreign language assistants

You will have to provide proof of your status such as a student certificate, a doctor’s certificate or a letter from your prison. Our visiting officers may contact you to arrange a visit to your property.

How much reduction you get

  • for single person occupiers there will be a 25% reduction
  • if everyone living in your property is disregarded for any of the reasons shown above you may be entitled to a 50% reduction
  • if you live alone and are disregarded for any of the reasons shown above you may be entitled to a 50% discount
  • if your property is provided for you by your employer and forms part of your contract of employment you may be entitled to a 50% per cent discount

How to apply

Apply online using the button below. 

If your application is successful, we'll process the change immediately. You will be able to review your revised bill via your online account. If we can't process your application, you'll receive an email advising you to contact us.

If your circumstances have changed and you're no longer the only person aged 18 or over living at the property, you must end your single person discount using the button below.

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