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Dealing with cold callers

What you can do about traders cold calling you.

We want to help residents say ‘no’ to traders they don’t want to visit them and help residents not to be tricked into allowing people into their property.

If you do not want people knocking on your door trying to sell you goods and/or services, you can download and print a 'no cold calling' notice below.

If a cold caller ignores the notice they may have broken legislation that we enforce. Occasionally cold callers claim urgent work needs doing to your property, for example you have an unsafe chimney, blocked drains or a hole in your roof. Do not agree to any work.

If you think you have had a visit from a cold caller, make a detailed note of their name, the business they claim to be from and a description of their vehicle. Report the details to the Citizens Advice Consumer Service who will tell us. They can also give you advice about choosing a trader.

Sometimes criminals pose as officials (they may claim to be from your water or gas company), or they might use other stories to try and trick their way into a persons property. Follow the steps below and download the factsheet to avoid being caught out by unexpected cold callers.

If you get an unexpected knock at the door:

  1. do not let the person in
  2. put your door chain on before opening the door or speak to them through your letterbox
  3. ask for their name and ID card, tell them to wait and make sure your door is closed
  4. do not phone the number of their ID card. Find the genuine number for the business or organisation they claim to be from and ring that number (a list of genuine numbers appears in the document below)
  5. if they are not genuine ring the Police on 101.
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