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Report illegal tobacco sales

Find out what we're doing about the sale of illegal tobacco and how you can report it.

Report illegal tobacco sales now

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

How bad is the illegal tobacco problem?

  • Around 11% of all cigarettes and 49% of all hand rolling tobacco consumed in the UK are illicit, whether smuggled, counterfeit, stolen or bootlegged. Possibly as many as third of cigarettes sold across London are illegal.

  • Four times as many people die from illegal tobacco than all illicit drugs combined.

  • Organised criminal gangs play a key role in the supply of illicit tobacco, especially counterfeit and smuggled cigarettes. This illegal trade can support other criminal activity such as the supply of controlled drugs, stolen goods and illegal alcohol.

  • Some counterfeit and smuggled tobacco contains asbestos, mould and human faeces.

Find out more about illegal tobacco.

What we're doing about illegal tobacco sale

  • ​We are working with other councils across south east London to curb the sale of illicit tobacco. Our work also involves the police and fire services.

  • We working with the police and HM Customs to carry out targeted raids on premises considered to be selling illegal tobacco. Any proprietor found to stock or sell these will be prosecuted.


Safer Communities Service (Trading Standards)

9 Holbeach Road, LONDON SE6 4TW
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