How to register
Register with our eTendering system for procuring works, supplies, services and contracts.
How to register
You need to be register on the London Tenders Portal to use the eTendering system. All you need is a valid email address.
Once you have accessed the pro contract opportunities portal you can use the supplier guides to help you through the registration process.
Benefits of registering
- It is free and easy to use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- You can be notified when new opportunities arise.
- Communications are tracked in a clear and legally binding audit trail.
- You will get email reminders of important deadlines in the tender process.
- You will get automatic confirmation of receipt of your response.
Tips on eTendering
- Save documents to your computer first.
- Ensure you meet all the requirements.
- Make a note of key deadlines.
- Do not alter the original tender documents or any supplied pricing schedules.
- Do use the online Q&A facility if you have any queries about the process.
- Do ensure your response is submitted on time.
- Do not include publicity material in your response unless you've been specifically asked to.
- Contact us well in advance of the deadline if you have technical problems or are unable to submit your response electronically.
If you have any questions about eTendering, please email
Contract register
All Lewisham contracts let over £50,000 are listed on the London Tenders Portal – Contract Register.
Fourth Floor, Laurence House, 1 Catford Road, London, SE6 4RU
Published on: 15/09/2023