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Publication scheme

See what information we routinely publish before making a freedom of information (FOI) request.

Types of information

We categorise information into these seven classes:

  1.  Who we are and what we do
  2.  What we spend and how we spend it
  3.  What our priorities are and how we are doing
  4.  How we make decisions
  5.  Our policies and procedures
  6.  Lists and registers
  7.  The services we offer

Why we have a publication scheme

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, we must maintain a publication scheme.

The scheme must specify:

  • classes of information that we publish, or intend to publish
  • the way we publish, or intend to publish, information from each class
  • if the public can access the published material for free, or if they have to pay.

How to request information

Contact us on the details below if you can't access the information you want:

  • from the list on this page
  • on our website
  • after contacting the relevant service area.

When you contact us, you must include:

  • the information you are requesting
  • your name and email or postal address so we can reply.

For guidance on your rights under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, and how to make an information request, visit the Information Commissioner's Office website.

Before you request – check if it’s already been asked

View the FOI disclosure log

How the Council is governed

What we spend and how we spend it

What our priorities are and how we are doing

How we make decisions

Our policies and procedures

Lists and registers

The services we offer

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