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Library membership

Find out how we use the information you give us to access the library service.

Your personal information is kept securely at all times and only those persons who are authorised have access to it.

The information you provide in order for us to administer Library Services will be shared internally within the Council only for prescribed purposes detailed within our notification held by the Information Commissioner, which is available on the Information Commissioner's website.

Your personal information may also be shared with other bodies acting on behalf of the London Borough of Lewisham when delivering a specific projects or services that you have entered in to. However, it should be stressed that only the minimum amount of information will be processed in order to fulfil these purposes. Furthermore, there will be occasions where the Council is required by law to share your information with other organisations, in these cases, we will endeavour, where practical and in line with legislation inform you of such actions.

You can be assured that your personal data will be held and processed in accordance with the requirements and obligations prescribed by the Data Protection Act 1998. If you require further information please contact Corporate Information Governance at dpa@lewisham.gov.uk.

Useful websites


Data Protection

4th Floor Laurence House, Rushey Green, Catford, SE6 4RU
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