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Highway register

View the borough's highway register.

The main categories in the highway register are:

  • public highways: maintainable at public expense
  • highways: the public has the right ‘to pass and repass’ over, but we have no duty to maintain them – duty of maintenance lies with the land owner
  • private: the responsibility of the landowner or frontagers (roads and paths listed as the responsibility of Lewisham Homes are, to all intents and purposes, private and Lewisham Homes can limit access to them in any way they feel appropriate and as the owner of the land the division is responsible for maintaining them).

Highway search

If you need more detailed information you can request a highway search. A highway search looks at the highway in relation to a specific property.

We can provide you with a map of the immediate area, showing:

  • the approximate extent of the highway
  • which parts are maintained at public expense and which are not.

Our response can also cover some common questions in relation to the property (up to a maximum of 4 additional questions), for example, identifying any road proposals or any traffic schemes around the property.

Please note that we are unable to comment on development proposals in the vicinity of a property. This will be answered on your CON29 local search reply.

Request a highway search

To request a highway search please email your enquiry to businesssupporthighways@lewisham.gov.uk.

The cost of a highway search is £95. If you need a map showing a larger area this may cost more. When we get your request a member of the admin team will contact you to take payment. We aim to respond to your enquiry within 15 working days of your request.

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