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NHS Health Checks

If you're aged 40–75, an NHS Health Check will improve your chances of having a healthier and longer life.

Who can have a check

If you are aged 40–74, you may be eligible for an NHS Health Check.

What happens at an NHS Health Check

The check takes about 20–30 minutes and you will be asked some questions about your general health and lifestyle and have a few straightforward health tests.

Where to have your NHS Health Check

NHS Health Checks can be completed at different places all over the borough and at a time convenient for you.

Lifestyle changes you can make after your NHS Health Check

Find out what local services could help you if you're at risk of developing health conditions.

Tell us about your NHS Health Check

We would like feedback from residents who have had an NHS Health Check. This will help us improve the quality of the service and find out where we are delivering the service well and where the service needs to improve.
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