Which organisations have signed the Sugar Smart pledge
Adult education and training
Adult Learning Lewisham will introduce more fresh fruit and place it in front of café counters.
Lee Learning Hub, Tuition Centre will raise awareness of Sugar Smart Lewisham in the Lee Learning Hub Tuition Centre monthly newsletter.
Shears Academy is displaying posters and information on sugar levels in fizzy drinks.
Amy Matthews Childminding will only offer children water.
The DEE’s Childminding will tell parents about the sugar content of drinks and cereals, and ensure that no junk food is served in pack lunches.
Childminder Katriona Ismail will promote Sugar Smart and the health effects of sugar to toddler groups and colleagues.
Childminder Leanda Flower will educate parents and children on the health effects of sugar.
Childminder Tina Gogia will provide healthier snacks at meal times.
Michelle Knight’s Childminding Practice will only offer water or milk to children.
Linda Playford Childminder will provide children with tap water and milk instead of juice and fizzy drinks.
Praise Childminding Services will provide children with plain tap water and milk.
Mariam Saanogo Childminder will update the health policy highlighting the importance of Sugar Smart.
Community organisations
2000 Community Action Centre will run little chef cookery classes for children aged 8–15 years which will cover Sugar Smart recipes.
Carers Lewisham will provide information on healthy food and drink in communal kitchen areas and
sign up to the Healthy Workplace Charter -
Good Food Lewisham (GFL) will coordinate with existing partners and recruit new partners to GFL in order to sign up to the Healthier Catering Commitment Award, Sugar Smart campaign and Veg Cities campaign.
DeptfordFolk will campaign for water fountains to be installed in all Lewisham parks.
Evelyn Parents Forum @ Deptford Park Play Club will actively fundraise for continuation of their 'choose health' toddler cooking and weaning cooking workshops.
Kitchen Buddy will deliver workshops and create displays on alternatives to sugary drinks.
Lee Green Lives will offer fresh fruit instead of biscuits when offering refreshments to visitors.
Lewisham Homes will offer residents fruit and vegetables at events and meeting instead of sweets and chocolates.
The New Cross Gate Trust will stop providing biscuits to their garden volunteers and to people attending their adult learning course.
New Cross Learning will play trailers at their pop up cinema which support the Sugar Smart campaign, especially for films aimed at families.
Rushey Green Timebank will provide fresh fruit and non-sugary snacks at activity programmes.
Somerville Youth and Play Provision will encourage children and young people to drink water and ban energy drinks.
Youth First will tell staff and young people about the importance of being sugar smart. And deliver healthy eating workshops to educate young people.
Dental practices
- The Broadway Dental Practice will encourage the dental profession based in Lewisham to support the Sugar Smart Lewisham campaign.
Food and catering
Apple Tree Community Café will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
Archibald's coffee shop will serve more specials which include more seasonal vegetables.
Babur will reduce the amount of fizzy and high-sugar drinks they sell and stock more water and reduced calorie drinks.
Beckenham Place Café and Mansion will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
Chartwells (Compass Group) is providing lower-sugar versions of puddings for school meals.
Chartwells (Compass Group UK) at Goldsmiths University London will display the teaspoons of sugar in popular fizzy drinks (using the Sugar Smart sticker). They will allow one sachet of tomato ketchup per customer and charge for any extras. All six cafes/restaurants on site are Sugar Smart.
Daun's Deli will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
FareShare London is promoting Sugar Smart foods to members.
Festival Catering will reduce the amount of high-sugar drinks they sell and will provide healthier alternatives.
Fred's will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
Freewheelin’ Pizza will start putting a 10p levy on any sugary drinks they sell and donate this to the Children's Health Fund.
Fusion Lifestyle will reduce the number of high-sugar items on their menus, and make sure sugary items are away from the tills.
The Green Leaf Juice Bar will offer fresh lemon, lime and mint water and also give customers the choice of having honey added to their choice of juice.
Haidy's Restaurant has made bottled water cheaper than fizzy drinks.
Hullabaloo vegetarian/vegan Indian street food will improve catering by working towards the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
Joys Juice Bar will rearrange their drinks fridge to place water at eye level.
La Ciabatta will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
La Pizzeria Italiana Ltd will use very little sugar in their pizza and pasta sauces.
Le Délice Ltd will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
Mekân Restaurant will offer fewer desserts and provide smaller portions.
Nes's Café will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
Parlez Local will work towards achieving the Healthier Catering Commitment Award.
Royal Ghurkha will reduce the amount of sugar in their recipes, and promote lower sugar alternatives to customers.
Saigon Foods will place bottled water at eye level and all other sugary drinks below eye level in their fridge.
Truly Splendid Vintage Tearooms are promoting healthier food options and making sure there are at least three healthy options on the menu.
Football clubs
AFC Lewisham will encourage children to eat fruit and vegetables and drink water instead of juices and fizzy drinks.
Millwall Football Club is charging an extra 10p for non-diet soft drinks. The proceeds are being invested into children’s physical activity programs.
Medical centres
Amersham Vale Practice is promoting Sugar Smart on its website and newsletter, and to patients during their annual diabetic review.
Community Waves/Healthwatch Lewisham will sign up to the Healthy Workplace Charter.
Deptford Medical Centre will set staff challenges to consume fewer sugary foods.
Hilly Fields Medical Group will display the sugar content in drink and foods, and advertise how to be Sugar Smart on their website, appointment cards and on in-house patient advert screens.
Ladywell Pharmacy will display information on healthy eating and Sugar Smart on patient information racks and will not stock sweet snacks and sugary drinks.
Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust is ensuring it meets targets relating to the availability of healthy food and drink served to patients, visitors and staff.
Lewisham Pharmacy will only stock water and stop selling sugary drinks.
NHS Lewisham Clinical Commissioning Group will work together with staff and the staff engagement group as well as through social media to spread the word.
- Oakview Family Practice will use display boards and provide teaching at the practice to ensure patients receive good advice and information on healthy eating and nutrition.
Nurseries and pre-school
Bay Tree House Day Nursery will review the nursery menu to make further changes to meet the ‘Eat Better, Start Better’ guidance.
Blackheath Montessori Centre will display information about healthy food and sugar-free options, with particular emphasis on the Eatwell Guide.
Broadfields Nursery is delivering workshops and producing displays on sugar content in drinks.
Chelwood Nursery school is providing information on healthier food and drink options.
Creative Stars Day Nursery will make sure the food they serve has no added sugar or salt.
Excell Learning Centre will only provide milk and water to children.
Goldsmiths Community Preschool will make sure vegetables are available with every meal served to children.
Grace’s Day Nursery and Pre-school will make sure their menu always has a healthy option.
Hillyfields Day Nursery is only providing water or milk between meals.
Hodan Daycare will provide information to parents on healthier eating options.
Kindergarten Forest Hill ask parents to pack healthy lunch boxes and only allow children to drink water.
Lillingtons Montessori Nursery will only serve milk and water to children.
Little Acorns will only offer milk or water and will inform parents of the amount of sugar in popular drinks.
Little Lambs Pre-school will only offer fruit and vegetables at snack time, and is reviewing its pack lunch policy to ensure children bring in healthy food.
Little Acorns day nursery will replace high-sugar content desserts with alternatives that are lower in added sugar.
Little Pumpkins Nursery in Lee will improve their nursery menus, making them healthier. Staff will be offered training to enable this.
Little Rainbow Day Nursery will use fruit in puddings, significantly reducing or completely replacing refined sugar.
Lysth Nursery will ban juices and supply water and or milk to children.
NurturEd will incorporate healthy eating into the children’s play and daily routine, and ensure staff eat healthily when with the children.
The Park Nursery will review breakfast options to ensure low-sugar cereals and food with no added sugar are provided.
Pavilion Nursery will create displays and parent information booklets on healthy eating and sugar content in drinks.
Pre-school Learning Alliance Lewisham will commit to ensuring that all pre-schools, crèches and children’s centres only offer healthy food and drink for meals and snacks.
Rehoboth Day Nursery will ban all sugary drinks and develop a milk and water only policy.
Rubadubs Nursery is improving catering by working towards the Healthier Catering Commitment.
Rushey Green Nursery will incorporate Sugar Smart within the early years curriculum.
Small Wonders Day Care will only provide milk and water as drinks for children. They will also encourage children and staff to drink water regularly.
St Andrew Centre and Step by Step Nursery have both signed up to the Breastfeeding Friendly Scheme.
Strong Tower Day Nursery will display posters of healthy foods and hold parents evenings with a focus on healthy eating.
Three Little Birds Childcare will send round newsletters to parents discussing the amount of sugar in food and fizzy drinks.
U First Childcare Service will not add sugar in meals offered to children.
Valeswood Day Nursery will replace biscuits and cakes with fruit and healthy snacks.
Ashmead Primary School will only provide milk and water as drink options at break and lunch times.
Beecroft Gardens Primary School children will design and display posters about healthy food.
Bonus Pastor Catholic College is promoting the availability of free drinking water.
Brent Knoll School will stop offering cordial juice and biscuits to pupils.
Brindishe Green School will improve access to free drinking water throughout the school.
Coopers Lane Primary School will restrict the consumption of sugary drinks.
Drumbeat School will put up posters in the tuck shop and work with catering suppliers to provide healthy options.
Elfrida Primary School will encourage children to drink more water during playtime, lunchtime and during PE lessons.
Grinling Gibbons Primary School will actively promote drinking water.
Forster Park Primary School will create displays to inform children of how much sugar some food and drinks can contain.
Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham Temple Grove Free School will provide information on healthy food such as posters, flyers and training.
Horniman Primary School will sign up to the Healthy Schools London Award scheme.
Kender Primary School will reinforce a water and milk only policy.
Kilmorie Primary School will change the options that are served at their breakfast club to include less sugar such as replacing the hot chocolate on offer.
Kings Kids Christian School will implement a policy encouraging parents to provide children with water, fruit and vegetables instead of crisps, sweets and sugary drinks.
The Leathersellers’ Federation of Schools will work with the school staff and catering company to reduce the amount of fizzy and high-sugar drinks children drink and offer healthier options.
- Prendergast Primary School will provide information about healthy eating.
Quasar Elite Bromley will stock a wider range of sugar-free and diet drinks.
Rathern School will run a healthy eating week, including workshops where pupils will come up with healthy alternatives to high-sugar food and drinks.
Sir Francis Drake Primary School will update the school packed lunch policy stating that no sugary drinks including juice are allowed.
St. Bartholomew’s C.E. Primary Schoolwill create a Sugar Smart display in the main school corridor/lunch hall giving children information about the sugar content in drinks.
St George’s Church of England Primary School will appoint mini health champions who will work with the school council to promote healthy lunches and drinks.
St James Hatcham Church of England Primary School senior leadership team and PE leader will lead on creating displays to educate parents, staff and children about being Sugar Smart.
St John Baptist Primary School will hold cooking classes with the school cook and healthy eating sessions for all classes.
St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School will display posters raising awareness of sugar content, run Sugar Smart assemblies and promote the Sugar Smart app to parents.
St Mary's Lewisham Church of England Primary School will work to promote healthier, more Sugar Smart packed lunches.
St Saviour's Roman Catholic Primary School will discourage children from bringing sugary drinks and foods in packed lunch boxes.
St Stephen’s Church of England Primary School will work with Chartwells to clearly display nutritional information and hold Sugar Smart assemblies.
Stillness Infant School will aim to achieve the Silver award as part of Healthy Schools London and promote the Sugar Smart message.
St William of York Primary School will organise a Sugar Smart poster competition.
Trinity Primary School will provide information on healthy food such as posters, flyers and training.
Join Sugar Smart
If you think your business could go Sugar Smart, sign the pledge to help us reduce the amount of high sugar products available, and promote healthier food and drink.