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Temporary event notice

If you're planning to use a premises or an open space for a one-off event, you'll need to submit a temporary event notice (TEN).

You need to give notice if you intend to provide one of more of these licensable activities:

  • provision of regulated entertainment

  • provision of late-night refreshment

  • sale by retail of alcohol

  • supply of alcohol by, or on behalf of, a club

How to apply

How much notice do I need to give?

You are required to submit the notice online to the licensing authority no later than 10 clear working days before the day of the event.

This does not include the day you submit the notice to us or the day of the event itself. Bank holidays do not count as a work.

As the organiser of the event you must apply for the temporary event notice and pay the £21 fee online.

The licensing authority will serve the notice on the responsible authorities, on behalf of the applicant.

Who can apply?

  • you must be an individual aged over 18

  • if you are not a personal licence holder, you can give a maximum of five TENs per year

  • if you are a personal licence holder, you can give a maximum of 50 TENs per calendar year

Limitations of a TEN

  • the event can have no more than 499 people in attendance

  • the event must not exceed 168 hours in duration (seven days)

  • no more than 15 TENs can be given for any particular premises in any year

  • any particular premises can have a maximum total duration of 21 days in any year

  • there must be a minimum of 24 hours between event notices

  • the number of TENs allowed is calculated on a calendar year basis i.e. 1 January to 31 December

Late TENs

  • late TENs are intended to help premises users who are required, for reasons outside of their control, to change a planned event - however, they can be given in any circumstance
  • late notices can be given up to five clear working days before the event (not including the day of submission or the day of the event)
  • a copy must be given to us and the licensing officer at Lewisham Police Station and the Environmental Enforcement Team - if either of these responsible authorities object, the event cannot go ahead
  • a notice given less than five working days before the event will be returned as void and the activities to which it relates will not be authorised

The number of late TENs that can be given in a calendar year is limited to 10 for personal licence holders and two for non-personal licence holders.


Safer Communities Service (Licensing)

Licensing Team, 9 Holbeach Road, LONDON SE6 4TW
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