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Premises licence

You must have a premises licence if, as an individual or business, you sell or supply alcohol, or if you provide regulated entertainment or late-night refreshment.

Apply for a premises licence

You must have a premises licence if, as an individual or business, you sell or supply alcohol, or if you provide regulated entertainment or late-night refreshment.

Removing the requirement to have a designated premises supervisor

Application for the mandatory alcohol condition under licensing Act 2003 requiring a designated premises supervisor in respect of a premises licence to be disapplied

Variation application pack

Applications can be made to vary a premises licence at any time.

Provisional statement application pack

Where a premises is being built or is about to be constructed or substantially altered for the purpose of being used for one or more of the licensable activities, an application can be made for a Provisional Statement, in order to establish whether a Premises Licence is likely to be granted.
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