About alcohol and entertainment licenses
If you want to sell alcohol or provide entertainment services, you'll need a licence.
Under the Licensing Act 2003, we are responsible for licensing:
- the sale and supply of alcohol
- the provision of regulated entertainment
- the provision of late night refreshment.
If you carry out any of these activities, you'll need the relevant authorisation.
Types of licence
- Personal licence - this is a portable licence granted to an individual allowing them to sell alcohol at a premises licensed for the sale of alcohol
Premises licence - this is a licence granted for specific premises. It specifies the nature of the licensable activity and any applicable conditions
Club premises certificate - this licence grants 'qualifying club' status to specific premises, according to a number of qualifying conditions
Temporary event notice - this notice permits the carrying-out of specified licensable activities for a restricted period (maximum 168 hours)
- Minor variations - this is a simplified process for minor variations to premises licences and club premises certificates
Current applications
Safer Communities Service (Licensing)
Published on: 13/09/2024